lördag 17 maj 2014

How the heck does that Anne Kekki carry out her political work?

foto: Ein Andersson Gothenburg 

 I am as Anne Kekki as hated as loved within the Swedish Pirate Party. My real deeds can not be seen by the public eye. I support young adults, and it shows. I spread love, and it shows. I often take part in events alongside the younger, in all sorts of contexts, and my real deeds are visible there. The younger, they ”try” me, since I am an adult, to see if I'm up to it, if I listen, if I get it. After these tests, we have individual discussions, the contents of which I never post for anyone to see. In these discussions, both online and face to face, in public or in private, we are the only ones to know what has been shared between us. Unless, of course, the other party chooses to speak about the discussions we have had. The younger individual share their thoughts about the Pirate Party, about party affiliation, about how they feel at heart and whatever may be on their minds. I never tell them what to think, but encourage them to believe in themselves and their abilities to make the right decisions for their own lives, no matter what area. To embrace our differences is what makes us free individuals.

 What's most important to me is the fact that these discussions affect and influence me, giving me guidance in how I can use my political fervour and force to change the lives of young adults for the better. To the youths who just talked to me: you give me insight to your reality. When you share your knowledge and abilities with me, I learn such vast amounts, I can't even find the words to describe it.

I have been given instructions by adult members of the Pirate Party on how to use my influence to sway the minds of the youth. Consistently, I have chosen not to follow the directions and instructions given, because the most important thing is that you and I have the freedom to think for ourselves and to make the best decisions for ourselves.

I have never been given so much grief as the times when I do not follow the standard. The attacks are hard on me as Anne, I feel lost and vulnerable. I question myself. As would anyone in that position. But within me, I have such a strong sense of equality and freedom. These words are put into practice through my conversations with youths, and this empowerment makes me stronger than the oppressing structure.
The last time I had such hate aimed at me, I tweeted it out. I ended it with the message that freedom and love is above all hate.

“Why I attract political hate, because the older ones are afraid of young adults with competence? Because I am supporting a young woman?”

European parliamentarian for the PirateParty, Amelia Andersdotter,

for her to be able to continue her endeavours as a worthy representative for all the youths who are the future. A future we are already living in. She is a young woman with strength and knowledge and she is skilled in many of our European languages. She can read the countries' bill proposals, realize what impact they would have and what consequences they would have for us as individuals, for small businesses and others. I want to fight alongside her for internet peace, and our rights to be free as citizens of the EU.

“To the anonymous individual in the Pirate Party who took the liberty to kick me out of a group: Next time, introduce yourself and tell me what gives you the right to make that decision. To me, we are all equals, even though I do have my disabilities, such as reading and writing difficulties. I have injuries that affects my vision. I love this party because it gives one the opportunity to be active despite having disabilities. I have had two close encounters with death which makes me embrace life with joy. If this makes me less professional, talk to me in person and clear it out. I'm here and my phone number can be easily attained. The next time you go after a party colleague, do so with respect. Only in some contexts are we in different places in a hierarchy, for example when one holds a place as a chairperson or a moderator. In all other respects, we are equals. Now I have been on your case for long enough, unknown Pirate, now it's time to get back to my undertaking on the behalf of youths. I will never give up my struggle to stand by their side, to highlight their competence and knowledge. Regards, a party colleague.
Don't ever let anyone push you down. We are excellent just the way we are, with love to the Pirate Party. Our strength is embracing who we all are.”

Of course I'm not liked by all youths. This can be because of the fact that I do say what I think about things. This is not a praise for Anne, but rather a fucking (felt good to cuss) description of how I carry out my political work and who I am as a person. This creates a lot of opinions about me. If one does nothing, no one will think what you are doing is wrong. Therefore, when one acts, there will be opinions on it. If you hear someone trash talk a party colleague or another fellow human being, dare to remain free. If not openly, but in your mind. Follow your own heart and what you think is right. It's okay with me if you don't like me, because that means you have formed your own opinion about me and my opinions and taken a position on it. That's worth more to me than being liked by everyone.

My education and professional skills are not relevant, what's important is how I make use of the skills I have in the meeting with you or a group. What matters is how I use the skills when analyzing social media in relation to media and us internet users. Because analyzing this has been internalized, and I even see correlations with reality. I try to change how this relation works in a positive way for us as individuals, and see how we can affect and change this relation and apply the gained knowledge in real life and online.

This was written with love and by the power of the freedom I have talked about; to you, the youths who shape me and give me my political strength. To you, who talked to me and left me with a piece of you, in the shape of a thought, an emotion or new knowledge in me. I think of you and and that piece of you echoes in my political deeds. And it is to you, the adults who understand the importance of dialogue and listening, who gives me support and knowledge

some links in swedish in power of my own freedeom:

Hur gick det i#Gothenburg på #TheDayWeFightBack #Sweden med #anonymous och #piratpartiet?


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